Monday, January 30, 2006

Don't want to be Lukewarm

Don't you know they all see you
Can see us in our little bubble
Can see that we aren't following him
Can you see that in God's eyes we're trouble
They see that we are worse than them,
So it's our fault they're going to hell
because of the hypocrisy
That's what our actions tell

Spiritually dead it's true there I said it

It might sound strange
What happened to the lifechange?
Running to God only when there's a storm
Let's admit it... we are lukewarm
Don't want to be like the rest of them,
don't want to just fake it
If we can make a difference
I know we can make it

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ninjas in 2 dimensions

Hey, guess what, I figured out how to make comics work. It's very simple, See? Now you can read it in all its glory. Just kidding. In order to see the comic in its original size, click on the "thumbnail" to the left. This will take you to the comic in its original size. Once there, you click on that one "expand image" thingy. You probably already know this part: just put your mouse over the lower left corner of the image and the icon to make the "expand the image" icon appear.

Liberty Ultimullet

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Out of Slavery

any suggestions/filled with questions/they had my attention when it was mentioned//sorrow creeping/still have feeling/accepting this is is the only to let this//subside inside/subside outside/if I bottle it up life shakes until explodes//Explodes suppose it Inplodes roads sit/ting there lambs' blood protects me swarms of toads its//for real/time can heal/I can feel/outer layers peeled/